Competitive Benchmark FAQs
Q: What are the overall benefits of Competitive Benchmark?
A: Competitive Benchmark allows businesses to…
Earn your share - See how much money your customers spend in your industry every month – and what percentage of those dollars are being spent at your location.
Know the trends - Are you trailing behind or surpassing your competitors? Watch monthly changes over a six-month history to find out and make informed plans.
Keep relevant - Since you and your competition are local, we keep competitor data sets focused on what’s relevant to your area’s market and industry.
Improve course - Information is power. From average ticket price to returning customer value, use your data to strategically schedule promotions, events and staff.
Q: What is included in Ovation Competitive Benchmark?
A: Ovation Competitive Benchmark includes the following:
Side-by-Side Competitor Data
Customer Behavior Analysis
Customer Spend Breakdown